7 Essential Job Search Tips You Should Keep In Mind
A quick google search can give you hundreds of advice that can help you with your job hunt. However, because there’s so much information available, sometimes even contradicting, it can get overwhelming, which is the exact opposite of what you need.
So, we rounded up a list of the most sound and timeless job searching tips that can help you improve your strategy so you can smoothly sail through the process.
1. Tailor Your Resume So It Fits The Job You’re Seeking

With that in mind, you must make it very easy for both the computer and the HR people to identify you as the one they are looking for and the one who can deliver the demands of the job.
So before you apply for the job, read the job listing carefully, and find out any information you can about the role or the company. Make sure to echo the job description and showcase your strengths in the areas that are important to the position in your resume, cover letter, and your LinkedIn profile.
2. Make It Clear That You Want to Work For Their Company
3. Don’t Stop When You’ve Applied Online
By associating yourself with people who are part of the company where you want to work, you will set yourself apart right away. The people who are in charge of hiring applicants interview people who are recommended or referred before they start sorting through the tons of resumes that arrive by way of the company’s applicant tracking system.
4. Be Polished And Endearing At The Same Time

While you must come across as polished, articulate, and professional throughout your job search, some HR people may translate it to plain boring.
Keep in mind that only a few people get hired because they had perfectly formatted cover letters, memorized all of the “correct” answers to the usual interview questions, or used the most dependable phrases throughout their resumes. While it may seem like you are very keen to details, it is going to make you look staged and not genuine. So, permit yourself to be both refined and endearing. Most of the time, the candidates who leave a good mark are the ones who go the extra mile.
5. Create A LinkedIn Account
More than 90% of recruiters use LinkedIn to look for prospective employees. If you’re a professional, it’s not enough to be simply on LinkedIn. You also have to know how to use it to your full advantage. If a recruiter logs onto LinkedIn to look for someone in your geography, with expertise in what you do, and you’re not there, then don’t expect to get a call anytime soon.
LinkedIn is by far the best resource for career and job search networking that we have available today. You can use it for finding would-be colleagues, and for putting yourself in a position where you can be found by a recruiter who has a relevant job opening.
Once you create your LinkedIn account, customize your URL, so it contains your name and the career of your interest. The keywords will help recruiters find you online, and putting it on your resume will encourage recruiters to learn more about you through your LinkedIn profile.
6. Stay Positive and Be Patient.
7. A Thank You Goes A Long Way

There is no magical solution to ensure success during your job search, but if you follow these seven tips, you’re putting yourself in an ideal position to land the job that’s right for you. Learn, practice, and take these tips to heart, and you’ll find yourself almost a pro at seeking a position.
Watkins and Associates is a Houston-based executive search firm that specializes in the Banking, Accounting & Finance, and Energy industries. We have over 40 years of proven track record in identifying, recruiting, and placing the best candidates with growing companies globally.
For career opportunities, please visit our website at https://watkinssearch.com, or contact us today at 713.334.4342 or at [email protected].