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Having a career change sounds exciting, but sometimes it can also be troublesome. In order to make it more efficient and much easier, you should create your own vision and approach in starting your new career. First of all, you have to take some time in discovering what you actually want to do, afterward, you can examine some possibilities so you can move forward.

Whether there is a specific career that you have in mind, or you are getting tired of your present work and you want to do something extraordinary, it is important that you have an organized approach. Whether you want to have an entirely new profession or you just want to work on an entry-level job, this guide can help you.

Discover What You Do Best

Create a list of the things that you enjoy doing as well as the things that you do best. Usually, these are just the same things. Do not consider jobs yet, but recognize your talents and interests. Make sure that the list includes all the things that you would like to do. This includes those that you think will not make you earn some money.

Think about how other people will describe you. If your friends think that you are good at something, then you should include this on your list. Create also a list of the talents and skills required for those activities.

Training and Experience

Make a list of all your training and experiences. Be sure to list everything including your volunteering activities, extraordinary classes, etc. Even if you only know a little bit about numerous things, you should still include them.

Think About the Jobs

Consider the jobs that require your talents. Make a research on the web. You can use related terms such as career skills, job skills, skills assessment, and any other terms that you can think of.

Potential Careers

Potential Careers
Narrow down your options to a few potential careers. Make sure that your choices do not exceed four. It’s fine to make some changes to your list until such time that you have finally found the job that you love the most. Since you enjoy doing it then you will surely do it well. Finally, narrow down your options to a single career and focus only on this one.

Learn About Your New Career

To know more about your new career, you have to search the internet. Another option is to go to your local library. The librarians can help you in finding the information that you need. You could also visit your local government employment office and inquire about some information about the job that you’ve chosen. You could also inquire about training programs.

Conduct an interview on some people who have chosen this career. Keep in mind that you are not inquiring about the job, but rather you just want to learn more about the career itself. Why do these people like it? What are the most important skills needed in this job? Know what the job is really like? In case there is a union, then you have to get some information from the local office.

Are You Changing Your Mind?

Well, this is fine, all you have to do is start all over again. You will discover that it will be worthwhile in the long run. If you are already sure about the career that you have chosen, then you can continue with the next step.

Retain Your Old Job When Possible

Retain Your Old Job When Possible
This may sound odd, but it is true. There are greater chances that you will be hired if you are currently working. Consider taking a lower-level job so you can learn a lot of things, most especially if you are new in this field.

Do You Require More Training?

If you want to get more training, then you can explore colleges and vocational schools that are near your area. Inquire about any specific training and job placement services. Ask them if you can take classes even when you are still working. Most probably, they have night and weekend programs that are available.

Become A Member of a Union or Professional Organization

There are several organizations out there dedicated to any career. Simply do some internet search and you will be brought to local or national groups.

Start Your Job Search

After having the skills and training that you need, you can refine your resume then begin your job search. You can find several job openings at Watkins & Associates. We specialize in challenging searches in numerous industries. For more information, simply call us at 713.334.4342 or send us an email at [email protected].